Paper (from IEC Electropedia)
cellulosic paper of certain types, frequently characterised by their relatively high rigidity
Note – In general the term paper is used for cellulosic papers if not otherwise specified.[source]
Kraft paper (from Wikipedia)
Electrical insulation paper (from Wikipedia)
(Paper) board - cardboard, precompressed cardboard (from IEC Electropedia)
Generic term applied to certain types of cellulosic paper, often characterised by their relatively high rigidity
Note – For some purposes, materials of grammage (mass in grammes per square metre surface area) less than 225 g/m2 are considered to be paper, and materials of grammage of 225 g/m2 or above are considered to be board.[source]
Nomex (from IEC Electropedia)
TUP (from IEC 62874:2015)
Thermally upgraded kraft paper
the average value of the number of monomeric units in the molecules of a polymer
Note – Different average values (number, mass, or viscometric average) can be determined for the same material.[source]
An undesired departure in the operational performance of any device, equipment or system from its intended performance
Note – The term “degradation” can apply to temporary or permanent failure.IEV ref.161-01-19 [source]
A static piece of apparatus with two or more windings which, by electromagnetic induction, transforms a system of alternating voltage and current into another system of voltage and current, usually of different values ​​and at the same frequency for the purpose of transmitting electrical power – IEV ref. 421-01-01 [source]
Mineral insulating oil
insulating liquid derived from petroleum crudes
Note – Petroleum crude is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons with small amounts of other natural chemical substances.
IEV ref.212-17-02 [source]
Natural esters (from IEC 62770)
Vegetable oils obtained from seeds and oils obtained from other suitable biological materials and comprised of triglycerides
IEC 62770, ed.1.0 (2013-11)
Synthetic organic ester (from Electropedia IEC)
Insulating liquid produced by acids and alcohols by chemical reaction
These esters include mono-, di- and polyol esters.
IEV ref.212-17-08 [source]
Power transformer (from IEC Electropedia)
a static piece of apparatus with two or more windings which, by electromagnetic induction, transforms a system of alternating voltage and current into another system of voltage and current usually of different values and at the same frequency for the purpose of transmitting electrical power
IEV ref. 421-01-01 [source]
Reclaiming (from IEC Glossary)
Elimination of soluble and insoluble contaminants from an insulating liquid or gas by chemical adsorption means, in addition to mechanical means, in order to restore properties as close as possible to the original values ​​or to the levels proposed in this standard
Published in:IEC 60480, ed.2.0 (2004-10) – Reference number:3.3.5 – Source:IEV 212-09-05 (modified) [source]
Reconditioning (from IEC Glossary)
Process that eliminates or reduces gases, water and solid particles and contaminants by physical processing only
Published in:IEC 60422, ed.4.0 (2013-01) – Reference number:3.5 [source]
Depolarisation (from IEC Glossary)
Process of removing electrical polarisation from an electrical insulating material until the depolarisation current is negligible
NOTE Depolarisation is generally recommended before measuring the resistive properties of an electrical insulating material.
Published in:IEC 62631-1, ed.1.0 (2011-04) – Reference number:3.12 [source]
[ALT img:Water in transformer (paper and oil) | water temperature migration]
If the temperature drops, the water passes from the oil to the papers, and vice versa with an increase in temperature
In electrical transformers, insulation is mainly ensured by the oil and paper system.
The construction of transformers provides for operational practices such as to guarantee a concentration of water in paper typically less than 0.5% -1% in mass, in relation to the contractual requirements defined between the manufacturer and the purchaser (ref. 5.4.3 IEC 60422).The limit on water in oil depends on the category of transformer; for new transformers (> 170 KV) prior to energisation, the maximum permissible concentration of water in oil is 10 mg/kg (ref. Tab 3 IEC 60422).
After the initial drying of the new transformer, the water concentration increases in relation to the transformer type, environmental conditions, operating conditions, and oil and paper degradation processes.The increase in water in the transformer has external causes (e.g. entry from the atmosphere) and internal causes, due to complex mechanisms of degradation of the oil-paper system.The latter include processes of chemical-physical degradation of the paper known as "hydrolysis processes".During the life cycle of the transformer, there is a condition of continuous modification of the balance between the water absorbed into the paper and that dissolved in oil.
The migration of water between paper and oil depends mainly on the temperature and the "operating profile" of the transformer.
The migration of water between paper and oil depends mainly on the temperature and the "operating profile" of the transformer.The higher the temperature rises, the more we observe the migration of water from papers to oil; the lower the temperature drops, the more water passes from oil to the papers.
[ALT img:Water in transformer (paper/oil)]
Taken from the presentation "World of moisture & Moisture Management" by V. Sokolov, presented at the My Transfo 2004 conference, Turin 20/10/2004
The thermal profile of the transformer is not homogeneous in all its internal parts; in particular it changes according to the single winding, in the high, medium and low parts, the circulation and cooling ducts and the geometry of the refrigeration system, and the deposits of sludge that can change over time.A major study of these conditions is contained in the CIGRE WG 230 document of 2007 titled "Moisture equilibrium and moisture migration within transformer insulation systems", whose convenor was Victor Sokolov (deceased in 2008), one of the top experts in the field.
Water in the transformer causes a progressive reduction of the paper-oil insulating properties (discharge voltage, dissipation factor), generating electrical defects (e.g. partial discharges) that can evolve into electrical discharges and power arcs with electrical faults in the transformer.
[ALT img: dangerous effects of free water]
[ALT img: vapour bubble]
99% of the water contained in power transformers is found in cellulose materials.
Click here to access Sea Marconi's major publications on the topic:
Main regulatory references
[ALT img:Water in the transformer (paper/oil)]
Taken is from the presentation "World of moisture & Moisture Management" by V. Sokolov presented at the My Transfo 2004 conference, Turin 20/10/2004
The "Water in the transformer (paper and oil)" criticality is caused mainly by mechanisms resulting from external influences, with moisture entering from the atmosphere, and internal influences, resulting from the degradation mechanisms of solid and liquid insulators that generate water (hydrolysis of cellulose).
Causes of the "Water in the transformer (papers and oil)" criticality | When it may occur (life cycle phases)
Lack of transformer drying requirements in the construction phase (< 0.5% -1%) | Requirements and purchase
Lack of quality control for individual batches or individual supplies of paper and oil (example:Initial paper DP before impregnation, water content in oil) | Acceptance of insulating papers and oil
Lack of controls and analytical procedures (and sampling) for checking the water content of oil | Oil acceptance, factory test, installation and pre-energisation, operation, old age
Loss of protection gas and moisture accumulation on solid insulators | Transport and installation of the transformer
Deficiencies in paper dehumidification treatments (e.g. vapour processes phase).A good insulating paper has a water impregnated value of between 0.5 and 1% by mass | Construction, transport, installation and pre-energisation, operation, old age
Accumulation of air and moisture (for example, during oil change or other electromechanical maintenance) | Factory test, installation and pre-energisation, operation, old age
Oil* affected by the "Water in the transformer (paper and oil)" criticality can have different characteristic aspects.
* here we mean the sample of oil representative of the total mass of fluid present in the transformer casing.To do this, it is necessary to take the sample at the bottom of the transformer casing.In the presence of accessories (isolators, switches, etc.), the sampling is repeated at the bottom of each accessory.During the sampling phase, it is absolutely necessary to indicate the sampling point and the oil temperature at the time of the activity
[ALT img:Water in the transformer (paper and oil)]
Taken from the presentation "World of moisture & Moisture Management" by V. Sokolov, presented at the My Transfo 2004 conference, Turin 20/10/2004
A. oil with clear water-oil separation (free water).
In this case the aqueous fraction is deposited at the bottom of the sample, while the overlying oily fraction appears in the form of whitish emulsion.Referred at room temperature (e.g. 20 °C)**.This is the worst condition
B. oil with an appearance of milky emulsion.Reported at room temperature (e.g. 20 °C)**.
C. oil with an opaque, whitish appearance.Reported at room temperature (e.g. 20 °C)**.
D. oil which has no characteristic signs because the water contained is completely solubilised.Reported at room temperature (e.g. 20 °C)**.
** If the temperature decreases, the separation step is accentuated and the water on the bottom increases (the water has specific weight 1 and mineral oil 0.875 mg/cm3).
If the temperature rises, the phenomenon of phase separation is reduced by the natural solubilisation of the water in oil.
In order to establish the amount of water in oil, the aliquot to be analysed is not the water but the most homogeneous oily fraction
In cases of internal inspection of the transformer, signs of free water or drops of water can be observed mainly at the bottom of the casing and at the bottom of the transformer casing head.These are very dangerous because they are close to high voltage areas.Signs of rust or localised paint stripping can be observed in the same area.In the case of loss of casing seal, windings can sometimes also also show signs of water.
[ALT img: water in suspension]
[ALT img: water in suspension]
During external inspection of the transformer it is necessary to take representative samples of insulating oil in accordance with the reference standard and the operating instructions attached to the sampling kits (read more).
It is important that suitable sampling protocols are used and that sampling kits be used that can ensure sample retention until the pre-analysis phase – IEC 60475 “Method of sampling insulating liquids”.Likewise, it is important that the kit offers suitable data collection tools (transformer plate data, progressive numbering for each sample, etc.).
Should it be decided to carry out an internal inspection of the transformer, following a failure or in order to carry out a thorough inspection, it is strongly recommended to take samples of the insulating papers in accordance with relevant protocols and procedures.In particular, it is advisable to take papers from the top, bottom and middle of the both individual primary and secondary windings for each phase, taking multiple paper samples in areas with greater signs of criticality (see below).
The specific symptom of the "Water in the transformer (paper and oil)" criticality is related to the presence of the following diagnostic indicators with typical values ​​not compliant with those recommended by the IEC 60422 standard:
To these are added diagnostic indicators derived from insulating paper analysis (following any internal inspection and sampling):
[ALT img:Water in the transformer (paper and oil)]
To avoid interference in the matric and avoid overestimates,
Sea Marconi has developed and uses use the sample preparation system
in a controlled atmosphere with vial on the
revolving table (designed and marketed by Sea Marconi),
analysed automatically using the Karl Fisher method (read more).
There are also co-factors useful to complete the diagnostic framework (resulting from the oil analysis):
Sea Marconi test reports are compliant (EN ISO/IEC 17025) concerning the indication of measurement uncertainty (except for the aspect that is not a numerical test, and for the ISO particle code).
Depending on their type, size and concentration, particles distributed in oil can take on water (bond water), reducing insulation properties locally.This condition can trigger partial discharges until evolving into electrical discharges and electrical failure.
For diagnosis of the the "Water in the transformer (paper or oil)" criticality, Sea Marconi uses its own diagnostic metrics, namely:
[ALT img:Water in the transformer (paper and oil)]
Taken from Table 3 – Recommended limits for mineral insulating oils after filling
in new electrical equipment prior to energisation – IEC 60422 ed.4-2013
The same standard (on page 28) indicates the recommended limits of water in oil for a transformer in operation:
[ALT img:Water in the transformer (paper and oil)]
Taken from Table 5 – Application and interpretation of tests – IEC 60422 ed.4-2013
Starting from the analytical results of the "water in oil" test, there are several methods (with different levels of precision) for evaluating the state of cellulose hydration, that is, the water absorbed by the papers.First of all, it is necessary to distinguish between direct methods, which involve the analysis of paper samples taken from internal inspection, and indirect methods, through mathematical formulas and diagrams.
Technical standard IEC 60422, for example, enables (see table below) estimation of the moisture conditions of the solid insulator (papers).To obtain this estimate, it is necessary to calculate (see formulas below) the saturation of the water in oil, that is, the maximum concentration of oil that can solubilise in oil at a certain temperature.
[ALT img:Water in the transformer (paper and oil)]
After calculating the water saturation in oil in percentage terms, using the table below (Table A. 1 – IEC 60422 ed.4-2013) it is possible to obtain an estimate of the moisture of the papers: dry, slightly moist, moist, extremely moist.
[ALT img:Water in the transformer (paper and oil)]
Table A.1 – Guidelines for interpreting data expressed in per cent saturation – IEC 60422 ed.4-2013
[ALT img:Water in the transformer (paper and oil)]
T. V. Oommen, “Moisture Equilibrium Charts for Transformer Insulation Drying Practice”, IEEE Transaction on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol, PAS-103, No.10, October 1984
For integration, different equilibrium curves can be used (Fabre-Pichon curves, 1960, Oommen curves, 1983, Griffin curves, 1988, Koch curves, 2005).These are diagrams elaborated on the basis of different application case histories that permit scientific prediction of the average amount of water absorbed into the papers in relation to the average operating temperature.Subsequently, knowing the total weight of paper and oil, it is possible to make a mass balance of the total water present in the transformer, both in paper and in oil.
As an alternative to the indirect determination described above, there is also the possibility of employing a direct methodology.
In the presence of an oil-impregnated paper sample, it is possible to determine the amount of water in paper by means of a specific protocol for extracting water through a carrier gas (for example, hot nitrogen).The water extracted is determined using the Karl Fisher quantitative method (method IEC 60814).This concentration (mg/kg) makes it possible to calculate the percentage of water relative to the mass of the paper sample being analysed.
Sea Marconi has recently used this method for an important constructor of international transformers.Paper moisture measurement has made it possible to better understand the process of drying the transformer and optimise the entire production process
Temperature is a key factor in the degradation processes of paper and oil insulating materials.Some temperature sensors (internal optical fibres or external sensors located at representative points) can monitor the transformer during its life cycle.These data, modelled using a specific "operating profile algorithm", make it possible to diagnose the current situation more effectively and predict future evolution (prognosis) in order to prevent and mitigate specific criticalities.
Cat A transformer (see Table 2 IEC 60422), GSU ​​elevator type generation (breathing with conservator and silica gel)
Voltage:400 kV, Power:250 MVA
Oil mass:50,000 kg of non-inhibited paraffin-based mineral oil
Paper mass:2,500 kg
Paper type: non-TU kraft paper
Environmental severity: normal, temperate climate height (asl) 250 m, ground level
total acidity of 0.25 mg KOH/g ("poor" value compared with Table 5, IEC 60422),
colour = 6 dark ("poor" value compared with Table 5, IEC 60422)
Water in paper
Water in paper of new era transformer < 0.5%.The amount of water in oil for a new transformer must be < 10 mg/kg at 40 °C.
Renormalised at 20 °C there are 4.5 mg/kg of water in the oil, thus 0.225 kg of water in the oil of the transformer in the example (4.5 mg/kg x 50,000 kg = 225,000 mg = 0.225 kg).
12.5 kg of water in the initial paper
This gives a ratio of 55.5, which means that for every kg of water in oil there are 55 kg of water in paper
Water in oil
Water in oil = 40 mg/kg sampled at 40 °C. That value corrected at 20 °C becomes 18 mg/kg, which means that on an oil mass of 50,000 kg, there are 0.9 kg of dissolved water in the oil (18 mg/kg x 50,000 kg = 900,000 mg = 0.9 kg)
Thus, moving from 0.225 kg to 0.9 kg, the value of water in oil is increased by 400%!
The insulating paper certainly has a degradation process under way: initially it had a mass of 2,500 kg and fell to 1,875 kg.
Using T.V. Oommen equilibrium curves, a relative oil saturation rate of about 5% is estimated, defined by the IEC as "extremely wet".
These last two data allow us to obtain the water content in the papers:93 kg (1.875 kg x 5/100)
Summing up, there would be 0.9 kg of water in the oil and 93 kg of water in the paper
It is thus shown that, in the real example, the ratio of water in oil/water in papers for a new transformer is 1 to 55; it is now almost doubled, for every kg of water in oil there are about 100 kg of water in papers
The DP of this transformer has decreased in 35 years from 1000 to 200, understood as a mean value, which conventionally corresponds to the end of thermal life.At the same time, there has been an estimated 25% loss in paper mass; in fact, its weight has dropped from the initial 2,500 kg to 1,875 kg.
The presence of water in the paper and oil system inside the transformer can be an extremely critical condition, especially when the criticality reaches an "extremely wet insulation" level (Table A1, IEC 60422, page 42), causing unreasonable risks of electrical failure.
This condition cannot be resolved with physical treatment of the oil alone, which would reduce water in the oil but not in the papers.The phases of energisation of the transformer at low temperature with sudden load are particularly critical.In these cases, water bubbles are very likely to form.
The life cycle management strategy is to avoid the formation of water in the oil-paper system as much as possible.Although it is impossible to eliminate this criticality, it can be prevented or mitigated through appropriate operational practices (e.g. analytical control of oil and indirectly of papers, oil treatment, load profile management, cooling of the machine).If the transformer belongs to a family of equipment affected by failure for the same criticality, ad hoc operating practices can be defined that optimise the various critical factors (e.g. by installing dehydrating cartridges).
In the case of moist papers, the oil change is not a definitive option because the water absorbed from the papers would not be removed even by changing the oil.The oil change operation could also create air bubbles (and consequent partial discharges) that are trapped in the dead zones of the transformer: under the head or in the radiators.
It is recommended performing (and keeping updated) the dynamic inventory of transformers with indication of the markers (indicator) symptomatic of the "Water in the transformer (paper and oil)" criticality throughout all phases of the life cycle.It is also advisable to map the equipment in "wet" and "extremely wet" conditions.
Other than those using minerals, what are the preventive measures for electrical machines with insulating liquids?
With regard to natural ester oils and synthetic esters, the preventive actions are the same; however, it is advisable to choose countermeasures after careful assessment in terms of cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness and environmental impact (biodegradability and fire safety).For silicone oils in operation, the treatments recommended by the standard (IEC 60944:1988) are "vacuum treatment and filtration" and "molecular sieves and filtration".
For the definition of action priorities and choice of countermeasures, it is necessary to diagnose whether the criticality originates internally (paper degradation) or externally (atmospheric influences).
If the origin of the moisture is internal (degradation of paper and oil) the countermeasures are:
Then there are other techniques, some of which require handling of the transformer.These techniques require that the transformer be opened and treated, in some cases through drying of the nucleus in autoclave, in other cases using appropriate solvents (derivatives of aviation kerosene).These modes, which are far more expensive, are taken into consideration when, in addition to the water problem, there are other electromechanical criticalities which require replacement of parts or in any case extraordinary maintenance of the transformer.
If the origin is external, it is necessary to identify air inlet points and restore the seals.If necessary, it is advisable to change the drying salts, and consider increasing the amount or geometry of the container to increase the drying power.
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