Sea Marconi's typical approach is to avoid replacement of a deteriorated oil, preferring to treat it (in a manner similar to dialysis) in order to restore it to "as new" condition, while simultaneously "cleaning" the transformer.The treatments (with respect to oil change) are economically more advantageous, avoid the risks associated with the handling of huge amounts of oil and protect the environment because they avoid the disposal of a resource (insulating oil) that is still usable.
When the oil is in a very advanced state of deterioration or when treatment is not convenient from an economic point of view, Sea Marconi is also able to perform the operation of changing the oil load.This operation has several phases and many critical issues (logistical, functional and environmental), so it is always advisable to rely on a professional and competent operator.
Key factors - Sea Marconi closed-loop treatments* - Oil change
On-Load Mode - Yes - No Off-Load for emptying and filling
Need for new oil - No - Yes 125%/150% of initial oil mass**
Old and new oil compatibility - Safety - Attention to base oil, additives, others**
Recovery: Physical properties KV, DGA, H2O - Yes - Attention *** only after closed-loop treatment of new oil §11.2.3 (IEC 60422 Ed.4 2013)
Recovery: chemical properties TAN, DF, IFT - Yes - Attention *** only after physical treatment + closed-loop depolarisation of new oil §11.3 (IEC 60422 Ed.4 2013)
Removal:DBDS & Corrosive sulfur - Yes - Attention *** only if initial DBDS < 80 mg/kg or after "reclamation" with a special adsorbent
Desludging and dehydration of solid insulators - Yes - Attention *** only after physical treatment + closed-loop depolarisation of new oil §11.3 (IEC 60422 Ed.4 2013)
Decontamination: dissolved metals - Yes - Attention *** only after "reclamation" with special adsorbent and if the initial value is 8/10 times higher than the target value
Dehalogenation:PCBs/POPs in the oil - Yes - Attention *** only if the initial PCB is 8/10 times higher than the target value
Self-cleaning of DBDS, PCB/POPs from decontamination unit - Yes - No cross contamination***
Cross contamination from DBDS, PCB/POPs - Safety - Attention ***
Partial discharges: air bubbles and incoming moisture - Safety - Particular attention to damp insulators
Risks for oil handling - Safety - Attention to high impact of logistics
Disposal of oil and PCB waste - No - Yes, especially if the PCB is higher than the allowable limit
* Treatments integrated with Mobile Decontamination Unit (MDU) using closed-loop processes patented by Sea Marconi
** Compliant with IEC 60296 Ed.4 2012
*** Because of old oil that remains impregnated mainly in solid insulators
Utmost attention must be paid in particular to emptying of the transformer, which leads to a vacuum in the casing (where possible), but complying strictly with the operating protocols of the machine's manufacturer or the customer.
Depending on the transformer in which it will be used, new oil should be treated both when it is still in the tank and after it is placed in the transformer.In addition to responding to regulatory requirements, this operation is necessary in order to ensure that new oil is not contaminated by the oil residue (cross-contamination) that remains impregnated in the inner parts of the transformer and accounts for about 15% of the total quantity.
Sea Marconi performs these activities with absolute professionalism, respecting sector guidelines and the most stringent safety standards of the customer.The main phases are as follows:
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