PCB was first synthesised in the laboratory (Griefs, Germany) in 1867.In 1929, the first production took place with the first industrial application by Swann Chemical Co. in Anniston (Alabama, USA), later absorbed by Monsanto Chemical Co., USA, in 1935.The latter continued the production of PCB at the facility in Sauget (Illinois) until 1977.Other companies in, for example, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Japan, China and the Soviet Union also produced PCB.
The lack of reliable studies allowed use on a huge industrial scale, until the dramatic events of the 1960s (Yusho, Japan) and 1970s (Yu-Cheng, Taiwan) led to increasingly stringent regulations.Starting from those years, the use of PCBs was reduced considerably, and some countries began to cease production, but complete cessation of the production of PCB only cme about at the end of the 1980s.
The Stockholm Convention estimates that a total of about 1.7 million tonnes of PCB were produced between 1929 and 1989.(source)
Most PCBs come in the form of colourless crystalline solids, while industrial mixtures are viscous liquids whose viscosity is generally proportional to the chlorine content present.PCBs are characterised by low water solubility and low volatility.They are also all very soluble in hydrophobic substances such as oils and fats.They are very stable substances, which can be destroyed only by incineration or through catalytic processes.Their stability is also responsible for their persistence in the environment.
In short, PCBS are characterised by the following properties:
– dielectric
– chemical and physical stability
– non-flammability
– compatibility with plastics, resins, adhesives, lubricants
Applications of PCB in closed systems:
– insulating liquids for transformers used in power generation (nuclear, thermal, hydro, geothermal), as well as in transport, distribution and utilisation
– insulating liquids for electrical capacitors for fluorescent lamps (ballast),
– electrical appliances (washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners), electronic laboratories, electrical cables, drills, etc.
Applications in open systems:
lubricating oils, elasticisers, carbonless copy paper, pesticides, additives for paints and plastics, construction sealants, anti-dust additives, etc.
PCBs were marketed in the form of mixtures, to which chlorinated solvents identified by different product names were added.Among these are those of the Aroclor family, registered and produced by Monsanto Chemical Co. (USA) from 1930 to 1977.The following are the names of the main PCB-based mixtures used as insulating liquids:
Brazil – Askarel; Former Czechoslovakia – Delor; France – Phenoclor, Pyralène (both used by Prodolec); Germany – Clophen (used by Bayer); Italy – Apirolio, Fenclor; Japan – Kanechlor (used by Kanegafuchi), Santotherm (used by Mitsubishi); United Kingdom – Aroclor xxxx (used by Monsanto Company), Askarel, Pyroclor; United States – Aroclor xxxx (used by Monsanto Company), Asbestol, Askarel, Bakola131, Chlorextol – Allis-Chalmers trade name, Hydol, Inerteen (used by Westinghouse), Noflamol, Pyranol/Pyrenol (used by General Electric), Saf-T-Kuhl, Therminol; Former USSR – Sovol, Sovtol
from the article "Past and current dermatological status of Yusho patients", H. Urabe and M. Asahi, Environ Health Perspect.1985
The two most emblematic cases took place in 1968 (Yusho, Japan) and in 1979 (Yu-Cheng, Taiwan), when several thousand people (over 10,000 in the accident in Japan alone) consumed rice oil contaminated with a mixture of PCBs, polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) leaked from a cooling coil.Those intoxicated presented symptoms of poisoning, from chloracne to hyperpigmentation of the skin and disorders of the liver and digestive and respiratory systems, up to death in at least 26 cases for the Japanese case alone.The children of poisoned mothers showed many of the adult disorders, with an increasing in the proportion of underweight births and the presence of developmental delays.Fifteen years later, there was an increase in deaths caused by tumours in the respiratory tract (SMR = 3.3) and in the liver of males (SMR = 5.6) and of females (SMR = 3.0).
PCBs are among the 12 substances harmful to human health and the environment that the Stockholm Convention has called Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs).POPs are chemical compounds with toxic properties that propagate in the air, water, or soil and, because of their poor degradability, reside in the environment for a long time.PCBs in particular are characterised by an extraordinary persistence in the environment that can lead to dangerous bioaccumulation effects in the food chain on living organisms and, more seriously, PCBs can lead to dangerous degradation (PCDD-dioxins and PCDF-furans) if subjected to uncontrolled thermoal oxidation (hot spots >300 °C, explosions and/or fires).
PCB enters primarily in aqueous systems, penetrates the body of animals and, because it is is liposoluble, passes into and accumulates in adipose tissues.It is not direct toxicity that is most dangerous (insofar as killing a mouse requires about 5 grams of PCB for each kilo of body weight); it is prolonged administration, and thus accumulation, that leads to death.PCB penetrates and spreads into the liver, nerve tissues and all organs and tissues with a high lipid component.
PCB is one of the 118 substances classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Group 1, that is carcinogenic for humans
V. Tumiatti ?? CODET?"Controlled Detention and Disposal Systems of Transformers and Capacitors in Askarel-PCB" – Technical Bulletin – Sea Marconi Technologies – Turin 1/10/1979.
I. Barbiero, M. Scalabrino, V. Tumiatti??Controlled detention and disposal of PCBs in industrial plants and services.Problems, Systems, Solutions?Acts of the Symposium on Risk and Toxicity of Pollution by Polychlorobiphenyl-PCB – Milan 12/03/1980.
V. Tumiatti, V. Petrillo - "Integrated Technological System for Controlled Detention and Disposal of Toxic Waste Containing PCBs"?Acts of the international conference on solid waste, sludge and residual materials?Rome 17-20/06/1981.
M. Negre, V. Tumiatti - "Prevention of risks and emergency management on systems containing PCBs.Thermal and chemical destruction processes of chlorinated toxic compounds-PCB, PCDD, PCDF, "Acts of the Conference on Solvents and Organic Chlorinated Compounds. Environmental and Biological Monitoring – Padua – May 1983.
S. Facchetti – "1st report on preliminary chemical demolition tests of 2,3,7,8-TCDD (dioxin) for decontamination of polluted material with CDP PROCESS - Sea Marconi" – EEC – CCR Euratom of ISPRA, May 1983.
S. Facchetti – "2nd report on the preliminary chemical demolition tests of 2,3,7,8 - TCDD (DIOXIN) for decontamination of polluted material with CDP PROCESS - Sea Marconi" – EEC – CCR Euratom of ISPRA, August 1983.
S. Facchetti - "3rd Report.Tests of decontamination of 2,3,7,8 - TCDD (dioxin) in the ICMESA plant (TCF Department): decontamination for chemical destruction carried out within Department B on 1-6 July 1983 with CDP PROCESS - Sea Marconi", "Experience of demolition on a sample of 2 mg of - TCDD test with reactive Sea Marconi for the research of degradation products and toxicological test of reaction mixture", CEE – CCR Euratom of ISPRA, September 1983.
H. Poiger – “Toxicity of reaction products generated Upon heating of TCDD with a decontamination – reagent of Sea Marconi”, Federal Institute of Technology-Institute of Toxicology – Schwerzenbach ?Switzerland, September 1983.
G. Nobile, V. Tumiatti - "Chemical Demolition of TCDD, PCBs and Polyalogenated Compounds.CDP PROCESS "PCB SEMINAR, Scheveningen, Netherland 28-30/09/1983.
V. Tumiatti; G. Nobile & Others – "Decomposition and Chemical Destruction of Halogenated Toxics and Super-Toxics" - CNR final and secondary chemistry project?Sirmione, September 1983.
V. Tumiatti ??Plant decontamination process strategic materials recovery and chemical destruction of toxic and supertoxic polyalogenated compounds PCBs, PCDDs, PCDFs through CDP PROCESS Sea Marconi?"Decomposition and Chemical Destruction of Halogenated Toxics and Super-Toxics", OECD – Paris – 10/10/1983.
G. Nobile, V. Tumiatti, – ?Emergency procedures in polychlorobiphenyls contamination.Intervention, Procedures and Methods?IV Informational environment and safety conference.London, 27-29/03/1984.
V. Tumiatti – "Assessment of critical success factors for dangerous product operations.Analysis of the phases of collection, transport, disposal of toxic and harmful waste.State of the art in Italy" – Report to the European Parliament – Committee of Inquiry into the treatment of toxic and harmful substances in the Community and Member States.Brussels – 28/11/1983.
V. Tumiatti, M. Negre & Others – “Integrated system of multidisciplinary tecnical diagnosis and strategic maintenance of energetic, productive and transport plants” – Proceeding sof the EFMMS Congress European Federation of National Maintenance Societes – Venice 9-11/05/1984.
V. Tumiatti – "Case of chemical emergency with PCB – Diagnosis, Decontamination and Disposal".Acts of the International Environmental Emergency Congress 84 – Turin 01/06/1984.
P. Tundo – "New processes of decontamination and chemical destruction of toxic and super-toxic halogens".International Environmental Emergency Congress 84 – Turin 01/06/1984.
P. Tundo, V. Tumiatti – "Chemical decomposition of polychlorobiphenyls and 2,3,7,8 - Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin with CDP PROCESS"?Special Seveso Office – Lombardy Region – Acts of the Conference, Milan 20-22 September 1984 – The technological response to chemical pollution.
V. Tumiatti – SMT & Others – “Project: decision support software and its experimental validation for menace identification” – EEC – CCR Euratom of ISPRA 12/02/1985
P. Tundo, S. Facchetti, V. Tanha, U.Fortunati – “Chemical degradation of – TCDD by means of Polyethylenglicols in the presence of weak based and an oxidant” – Chemosphere, Vol.14, M.5, pp 403-41a – May 1985.Pergamen Codex Press Ltd.
G. Noble – "Chemical degradation of polychlorinated aromatic compounds" – Conference proceedings NRC – Days of Chemistry – Sirmione, September 1985.
P. Tundo, V. Tumiatti, G. Nobile – “In situ decontamination and chemical degradation of PCDFs and PCDDs coming from pyrolysis of PCBs” ?Proceeding of the American Chemical Society – Conference – New York – 13-18/04/1986.
P. Tundo – "Chemical Decontamination of Toxic Aromatic Halides" – Chemical Technologies – May 1986, pp. 96-100.
F. Argentesi, S. Facchetti, V. Tumiatti, S. Cerlesi et al. - "Role of Expert Systems in Management of the Chemical Emergency" - NBC Seminar 1986.NBC Consolidate Interforce School for Defence, Rome, 27-28 November 1986
F. Gardin, V. Tumiatti et al. - "Expert Systems: Support for Diagnostic of Electrical Transformers"?Zerouno – December 1986.
U.S.E.P.A.– “Liquid reagent destruction of PCB on surface and concrete” ?R & S ?Permit application of 16/01/1987.
F., and S. Cerlesi, et al. – "Design of Experimental Systems for the Management of Chemical Waste", Acts of the Study Day on Urban and Industrial Waste – Milan, 16-17 February 1987.
U.S.E.P.A.– “Continuous Treatment of PCB contaminated Hydrocarbons” – R & S Permit application of 16/06/1987.
F. Argentesi, S. Facchetti, V. Tumiatti, S. Cerlesi et Altri – “CHEM: an expert System for the management of chemical accidents involving halogenated aromatic compounds” – Word Conference on Chemical Accident – Rome, 7-10 July 1987.
P. Tundo, V. Tumiatti, G. Nobile – “Chemical degradation of selected polychlorinated compound by means of polyethers, a base, and an oxidant", American Chemical Society Symposium Series 338 – 1987 – Solving hazardous waste problems learning from dioxins.
V. Tumiatti – "Project: chemical accident severity assessment caused by aromatic polyhalides and preliminary countermeasures" – EEC CCR Euratom - ISPRA 27/11/1987.
S. Cerlesi, F. Argentesi, V. Tumiatti, G.U.Fortunati.IST.SAN – “Contingency planning: a expert system – CHEM – for describing the level of response needed” – A report of NATO/CCMS working group on management of accidents involving the release of dioxins and related compounds – Rome, 1988.
G. Camino, V. Tumiatti – “Methods for PCB contamination levels in dielectric liquids” – IEC.International Electrotechnical CommissionParis 9 – 10/01/1989 – TC 10 Working Group No. 7.
P. Tundo, B. Ruggeri, V. Tumiatti – “A case study on the chemical degradation of polychlorinated compounds by CDP PROCESS:Removal of PCB from oil of an electrical transformer" – 5th International Conference on Solid Wastes, Sludge & Residual Materials, Rome, April 26-29, 1989.
ENEL – "Demonstration Test Results in the Pracomune Power Plant – CDP PROCESS for PCB Dehalogenation in Oils" – National Electricity Authority – SPT comp.VENICE.24/05/1989.
P. Tundo, E. Serena, B. Ruggeri, V. Tumiatti – “A case study on the chemical degradation of polychlorinated compounds by CDP PROCESS; Removal of PCB from oil of the electrical transformer” ?Proceedings of the EPRI-PCB Seminar – San Diego – USA.03/10/1989
V. Tumiatti, SMT – "Project:"Census of PCB containers and equipment ..." - EEC.CCR Euratom of ISPRA 12/12/1989.
G. Sarcina, V. Tumiatti et al., "A hypertest for controlling dioxin" – Zerouno – January 1990.
B. Ruggeri, P. Tundo, V. Tumiatti – Paper “Supported liquid phase reactor – SLPR – for PCBs in oil decontamination” ?Proceedings of the ISCRE 11 – International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering – Toronto – Canada, 08-11/07/1990.
F. Argentesi, S. Facchetti, S. Cerlesi, V. Tumiatti et al. – Paper “Oil-PCB manager: a risk evaluation and management system for electrical containers”.The International Conference On Organohalogen Compounds – EPRI – PCB Seminar.Bayreuth – West Germany.10-14/09/1990.
V. Tumiatti - "Oil Project-PCB Manager (OPM): Development of a computer system for the management of containers contaminated by PCB" – EEC – Commission of the European Communities' Institute of the Environment, Joint Research Centre.ISPRA 13/09/1990.
V. Tumiatti, B. Ruggeri??The scenario: the PCB problem in socio-economic and environmental dynamics?, OIL-PCB FORUM? 90?International Conference?Turin, 6-7 December 1990.
G. Fireplace, V. Tanha? Accident prevention: functional degradation diagnosis in power transformers through nalysis of physical and chemical degradation products of internal components, OIL-PCB FORUM?90 – International Conference?Turin, 6-7 December 1990.
F. Argentesi, S. Cerlesi, V. Tumiatti??OIL-PCB Manager (OPM): a system for handling containers at risk ?, Oil-PCB Forum? 90?International Conference, Turin, 6-7 December 1990.
S. Carlesi, D. Buga, V. Tumiatti??Statistical analysis of data and modelling of information: priority control actions, planning of?emergency, forecast of disposal requirements?, Oil-PCB Forum ?0' Turin, 6-7 December 1990.
P. Tundo – ?The role of chemistry in the decontamination of persistent toxics?, Oil-PCB Forum ?90 Turin 6-7 December 1990.
V. Tumiatti - "QCW Project:Quality Control of Water" – SMT EEC – Commission of the European Communities, Institute of the Environment - Joint Research Centre ISPRA 11/03/1991.
S. Cerlesi, S. Facchetti, C. Orazio, S. Kapila, and V. Tumiatti ?“Modeling techniques for movement of chlorinated organics in terrestrial environment” – Proceedings of the 11th international symposium on chlorinated dioxins and related compounds – Dioxin 91 – Research Triangle Park – North Carolina.USA, September 23-27-1991.
S. Cerlesi, F. Argentesi, G. Camino, S. Facchetti, and Tumiatti ?Diagnostic module for functional degradation as an extension of the OIL-PCB manager (OPM)?– Proceedings of the 1991 PCB Seminar – EPRI – October 8-11-1991, Baltimore USA.
B. Ruggeri, V. Tumiatti, S. Dallo, V. Liu – “PCB’s – in-oil decontamination by supported-liquid-phase-reagent (SLPR) used in batch conditions” – Proceedings of the 1991 PCB Seminar – EPRI – October 8-11-1991 ?Baltimore, USA.
B. Ruggeri, S. Kapila, G. Camino and V. Tumiatti ?"Determination of relative efficiencies of PCB treatment processes" – Proceedings of the 1991 PCB Seminar EPRI – Baltimore, USA – October 8-11-1991.
A. De Pablo, R. Andersson, H.J.Knab, B. Pahlavanpour, M. Randoux, E. Serena, V. Tumiatti?“Furanic compounds analysis a tool for diagnostics and maintenance of oil-paper insulation systems” – Proceedings of the CIGRE Conference – Berlin, Germany – April 22-27-1993.
V. Tumiatti, B. Ruggeri, G. Camino, S. Dallo – ?A new technology for dehalogenation of PCBS and other halogenated contaminants??Proceedings of the European meeting on chemical industry and environment?Girona, Spain 2-4 June 1993.
V. Tumiatti, S. Dallo, B. Ruggeri, G. Camino ?“A new technology for dehalogenation of PCBs and other halogenated contaminants” – Proceeding of the 1993 Seminar EPRI – New Orleans, Louisiana, USA – September 14-17-1993.
V. Tumiatti, S. Dallo, P. Aglietti and S. Kapila ??CDP Process: a new Technology for Continuos dehalogenation of PCBs in oil??Proceedings of the 10th International Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) PCB Seminar, Boston, MA, August 29-31, 1995.
K.S.Ryoo, S. Kapila, V. Tumiatti, G. Camino and A.A.Elseewi ??CHEDCOS (Chemical Decontamination and Counterflow Oxidative System):Application for Desctruction of PCBs??Proceedings of the 10th International Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) PCB Seminar, Boston, MA, August 29-31, 1995.
EDF-Etudes et Recherchers ?In situ treatment of transformers containing PCB?, EDF-Electricité de France-Highlights, 1996.
S. Kapila, V. Tumiatti, G. Boasso, Q.Liù and P. Nam ??Plant decontamination through chemical dehalogenation??Proceedings of the EA Technology Seminar PCB ?Legislation for Electric Power Network - London, 21 October 1997.
V. Tumiatti, G. Di Iorio ??Determination of PCBs and PCB related substances (PCTs and PCBTs) CEN/TC19 pr.EN12766-1 Part.3??EU Committee, Brussels ?Belgium ?14 December 1998.
V. Tumiatti, R. Actis, G. Boasso, G. Di Iorio, S. Kapila, A. Porciani ??Dehalogenation of PCBs and protection of the environment: application on electrical transformers with a process in continuous mode??(to be presented for SMI?99 ?3rd International Conference on Industrial Plant Maintenance, Bologna, 17-20 February 1999).
G. Boasso, A. Decoster, V. Tumiatti, P. Voorspoels??Decontamination of PCBs and protection of the environment: application on electrical transformers with a process in continuous mode in the Republic of Cyprus??(to be presented for 1st International Conference on Solid Waste; Rome 7-9 April 1999).
P. Nam, Q.Liu, S. Kapila, W. Tumiatti and A. Porciani, – “An assessment of radiolysis and chemical dehalogenation for decontamination of PCBs and PCDDs in soil.”Organohalogen Compounds, 40, 507-511, 1999.
W. Tumiatti, A. Porciani, R. Actis, S. Kapila and P. Nam, – “A continuous technology for decontamination of PCBs/PCTs/PCDFs/PCDDs in insulating oil – CPD process applications” Organohalogen Compounds, 40, 571-576, 1999.
P. Nam, S. Kapila, Q.Liu, W. Tumiatti, A. Porciani, and V. Flanigan, – ?Solvent Extraction and Tandem Dechlorination for Decontamination of Soil.?Chemosphere, 43, 485-491, (2001).
P. Nam, Q.Liu, S. Kapila, W. Tumiatti, and A. Porciani, – ?An Assessment of Radiolysis and Chemical Dehalogenation for Decontamination of PCBs and PCDDs in Soil?Presented at the Dioxins 99, September 12?17, 1999, Venice, Italy
W. Tumiatti, A. Porciani, R. Actis, S. Kapila and P. Nam, ?A Continuous Technology for Decontamination of Electrical Equipment Through Dechlorination of PCBs/PCTs in Insulating Oil CDP Process®?– Applications Presented at the Dioxins 99, September 12 ?17, 1999, Venice, Italy
A. De Pablo, R. Actis, R. Maina, W. Tumiatti, 88-95 Decontamination of oil transformers contaminated by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) / Energía:Revista de Ingeniería Energética, 2003 JUL-AUG (172) Mar 2004
V. Tumiatti, M. Tumiatti, C. Roggero, R. Maina, R. Actis, G. Cravotto, F. Trotta, University of Turin? POPS/PCBS, Decontamination of oils, soils and water in electrical installations?XV.I National Congress of the Industrial Chemistry, Verbania, Pollanza, 14-17 June 2005
G. Cravotto, S. Di Carlo, B. Ondruschka, V. Tumiatti, C.M.Roggero ?Decontamination of soil containing POPs by the combined action of solid Fenton-like reagents and microwaves?.Chemosphere2007 Oct
A Balabanovich, A. Hornung, M.P.Luda, W. Koch, V. Tumiatti ??Pyrolysis study of halogen-containing aromatics reflecting reactions with polypropylene in a post treatment decontamination process.?, Environmental science & technology, 39 (14), p.5469-5474, Jul 2005
G. Cravotto, S. Di Carlo, V. Tumiatti, C. Roggero, D. Bremner ?Degradation of Persistent Organic Pollutants by Fenton's Reagent Facilitated by Microwave or High-Intensity Ultrasound.Environ.Technol./*2005*, 26 (4), 721-724.
M. Pompili, V. Tumiatti ?The new CENELEC Standard CLC50503 on PCBs:PCBs Inventory??PCBs Elimination Network Magazine, No. 1, November 2010, p. 98-99
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